Sunday, August 14, 2016

I almost deleted this blog.

I..don't have much to say.
August 10th..
Adam found Veronica in his guest room, this must have been...5 hours after she left here...
She had emptied an entire bottle of that black goo into her veins and apparently died..
of an overdose.Sorry Im not reall here right now.
The shock of her being ngone is still.
I'll never smell her hair again, or see her face. I'll..
You guys like puzzles and ever since she made me watch that video..things have been weird for me. snippets, vision, memories. I don't know..or really understand whats happening...but. There was  a flash drive ducttaped to her hand.This was the file on it. I feel like..I feel like you guys can crack it?
I don't know who "you guys" are..but..I think this will help me?

I decided not to take the black goo...
I keep typing "Ecto" I don't know's all really strange and too much is happening...I'm just realy scared, and alone, and Adam won't talk to me. He told me to leave him alone for a while...
So I'm alone...
I have to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hemswoth first thing in the morning...
I feel like i'm not too far behind Veronica...


  1. Take the "Ecto", do it, not much, just a small bit, we need to know what it does.

  2. What is the password to the files?
